2011年11月21日 星期一

台灣民政府聲明[台灣民政府(TCG) 訪日團2011/1220-1224]

The Taiwan Civil Government Viewpoint 

裕仁天皇感念朝鮮及台灣兩地人民為日本征戰效命, 1945年4月1日特別頒布詔書,賦予代表朝鮮及台灣住民之議員進入帝國議會參與國政之參政權。
Emperor Hirohito, in his great appreciation for the efforts of the Korean and Taiwanese soldiers who fought under Japanese command in the Pacific War, issued an Imperial Rescript of April 1, 1945, authorizing representatives of Korea and Taiwan to take their seats in the Imperial Diet, and to participate in the political decisions of the Japanese Empire.

就台灣部份而言,裕仁天皇詔書中所賦予台灣住民之參政權,至今( 2011-2年)仍然適法,其法律根據理由如下:
In regard to Taiwan, this Imperial Rescript which was issued in 1945 still has validity today here in 2011-2.  The legal details are as follows:

1. 台灣在舊金山和約規範下,尚未達最終地位,國際社會並不承認台灣是主權獨立國家。
According to the provisions of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Taiwan has not reached a “final political status.” The international community does not recognize Taiwan as an independent sovereign nation, but merely a quasi-trusteeship under the United States Military Government. As of Dec. 10, 1949, the Republic of China on Taiwan had become a government in exile.

2. 日本政府於1979年9月29日廢除日華台北和約後,已無立場繼續視詔書中之台灣住民為中華民國國民。美國地方法院於 2008年3月18日認定本土台灣人無國籍、美國高等法院於 2009年4月7日認定本土台灣人無國際承認政府。

The Treaty of Taipei came into force on Aug. 5, 1952. Article 10 is most particularly notable, see -­http://www.twdata.net/taipei-10.htm After the Japanese government abrogated the Treaty of Taipei on Sept. 29, 1979, there is no further legal rationale to regard native Taiwanese people as nationals of the Republic of China.  On March 18, 2008, the US District Court, Washington D.C., held that native Taiwanese people “have essentially been persons without a state for almost 60 years.” On April 7, 2009, the US Court of Appeals held that the Taiwanese “have no uniformly recognized government.”

3. 台灣在萬國公法架構內,依舊金山和平條約Article 2(b),應是日本「自治之國土一部份」。
With reference to the Law of Nations, and according to Article 2(b) of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Taiwanese people should have the right to normalize their status and be classified as a “self-governing territory of Japan.”

4. 在「日本國土內自治」架構內,日本政府因依舊金山和平條約 Article 2(b),放棄對台灣行使主權權利而不得治理台灣,基本上,現今的台灣住民參與日本國政是毫無矛盾或衝突。日本政府被同盟國剝奪台灣管轄權,並不意味日本 政府就可順勢取消台灣住民之參政權。台灣住民參政權是日本天皇所賦予,日本政府並無立場予以取消,因此,台灣民政府要求依照「法律第 34號」,派遣三名參議員和五名眾議員參加日本國會議政。
As a “self-governing territory of Japan,” the Japanese government should follow Article 2(b) of the SFPT in giving up all rights of sovereignty over Taiwan territory, and in this fashion the natives of Taiwan still retain all their rights to participate in Japanese national politics. Even though Japan was deprived her rights of administration over Taiwan by the Allies, but this does not mean that the Japanese government can unilaterally cancel the political participation rights of native Taiwanese persons, because these rights were granted by the Emperor. According to law #34, promulgated on April 1, 1945, the Taiwanese are entitled to send three representatives to the House of Councillors and five representatives to the House of Representatives in Japan.

5. 裕仁天皇於 1945年4月1日頒布「有關朝鮮及台灣住民國政參與詔書」,及於同日所公布之「眾議院議員選舉法中改正法律 (法律第34號)」,迄今並未廢止,應仍適用於台灣住民。然而,台灣住民之參政權在台灣最終地位確定前,因台灣仍處於被佔領 (occupied)狀態,被懸置 (suspended),台灣
民政府要求日本政府應該重新確認 (to be reaffirmed)。
Up to the present day, there is no record of any cancellation of the Imperial Rescript issued by Emperor Hirohito on April 1, 1945, and the law #34 promulgated by the Japanese Diet on the same day.  Hence, the political participation rights in the Japanese Diet which were given to the native Taiwanese should still be in force. At present, Taiwan is occupied territory, so it would be reasonable to say that these political participation rights have only been suspended. The Taiwan Civil Government hereby requests that these rights be reaffirmed.

6. 台灣住民依裕仁天皇詔書,享有參政權。是台灣先民流血流汗,甚至犧牲生命換來的結果。至今仍供奉於靖國神社之3萬9千100名在太平洋戰爭期間陣亡之台灣 裔日本兵英靈,形同是為裕仁天皇於 1945年4月1日頒布詔書,仍適用於台灣住民背書。日本政府至今仍將台灣裔日本兵英靈供奉於靖國神社,就必須承認該詔書至今對台灣住民仍有效力。原來台 灣地位的關鍵就在靖國神社中,而台灣人英靈就是這樣默默地在保衛台灣、保衛日本,因此,台灣民政府參拜供奉於靖國神社內之台灣人英靈,是正當且必要。
The Imperial Rescript issued by Emperor Hirohito gave the native Taiwanese people political participation rights in Japan.  The Emperor’s decision in this regard was based on the fact that during the WWII period the native Taiwanese served faithfully and loyally in the Japanese armed forces. Indeed, the 39,100 Spirits of the Taiwanese heroes in the Yasukuni Shrine attest to the bravery of the native Taiwanese soldiers!  Additionally, the fact that these Spirits have remained in the Yasukuni Shrine up to the present day also proves that these heroes are still regarded as Japanese, and therefore indicates that the documents of April 1, 1945 are still legally in force! The presence of the 39,100 Spirits in the Yasukuni Shrine is the key to understanding Taiwan’s position in the world today. We are most grateful that these Spirits have continued to protect Taiwan up to the current era.  It is therefore entirely correct and necessary that the representatives of the Taiwan Civil Government pay homage to these Spirits in the Yasukuni Shrine today.

