Awaiting a Legal War
2011年10月4日,美國眾議院外交事務委員會召開「台灣為何重要?」聽證會(Foreign Affairs Hearing on 「Why Taiwan Matters」 October 4, 2011). 美國國務院負責東亞及太平洋事務之助理國務卿(Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs)Dr. Kurt Campbell,在會中提及:
Ultimately, it is in American interest to see democracy flourishes in Taiwan. One of the things that bind us most closely is the democratic experience. In January, Taiwan will be conducting a major election both the executive and the legislative level. The United States supports that election. We don't play favorites. We don't choose a candidate. we will work closely with any leader or leadership that emerges there.
然而,2012年1月1日,美聯社駐台北記者Peter Enav發表文章,指控美國在台灣選舉將近時,有所偏袒(Charges of US bias as Taiwan election nears)。可見,美國國務院在美國利益考量下,不惜被批評「說一套做一套」。
事實上,無論是美國國務院助理國務卿或是美聯社記者所稱「台灣」,毫無疑問, 是美國政府所據以模糊台灣法理地位之「台灣關係法」架構內,包含中國成份之「政治台灣」。事實上,就法理成面來說,舊金山和平條約第2條(b)架構內之 「法理台灣」,不應該且不包含「中國成份」在內才是正確 。
依1979年1月1日所發佈之「美中建交公報」,美國政府應是和代表「本土台 灣人(the people of Taiwan)」之「台灣民政府」建立「正式之非官方關係(formal while unofficial relations)」,而且,依1979年1月1日生效之「台灣關係法」,美國政府則是和管轄「在台灣的人(the people on Taiwan) 」之「台灣治理當局」建立「非正式之官方關係(informal while official relations)」。
1. 以中國占領當局之立場,在美國國防部之認可下,代理台灣美國軍政府佔領日本台灣。
2. 以流亡中華民國政府之立場,透過美國在台協會和美國國務院,建立「非正式之官方」關係,延續美華間之傳統邦交。
台灣關係法架構內「台灣治理當局」所包含之「中國占領當局」成份,只是代理台灣美國軍政府,在日本台灣被占領領土之治理機關,無涉外交。而台灣治理 當局所包含之「中華民國流亡政府」成份,則設有外交部以和美國國務院維持「非正式之官方關係」。因此,美國政府官員於2011年12月間,陸續訪問流亡在 台灣之「盟邦」,其實滿口胡說八道,並非無跡可尋。
「台灣民政府」向明仁天皇所提出之訴求,於2011年12月23日在日本皇居天長節一般參賀場合中,獲得明仁天皇善意回應。於是,可確定就法理而 言,台灣是美國總統占領中之日本天皇領土。在「日屬美占」架構內,美國國務院支持代理台灣美國軍政府占領日本台灣之「中國殖民政權」,讓佔領方之流亡中國 人和被占領方之本土台灣人,在「中華民國憲法」下選舉「中華民國總統(President of the Republic of China)」,其實是等同縱容中國流亡政府在日本台灣就地合法,誤導國際人士和台灣人誤以為台灣就是中華民國。然後,將當選人承認為「台灣治理當局行政 長官(Executive of the governing authorities on Taiwan)」,其根本就是等同縱容中國占領當局行「永久占領(permanent occupation」,企圖移轉日本台灣主權,讓人誤導中華民國就是台灣,明顯違反美國憲法所承認之「萬國公法」。
「台灣民政府」和中華民國體制內之選舉完全無關,然基於美國國務院所支持以模糊台灣法理地位之「在台灣之大選(major election on Taiwan)」選舉,本身並「不合法(not lawful)」,有必要設法提醒美國總統:承認該選舉當選人為占領方之中華民國總統,或台灣治理當局行政長官,等於認同中國殖民政權永久占領日本天皇領 土,是為不正當、不應當、不恰當且不合國際法之政治處理。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會 執行長
翻譯: 櫻川武藏
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Washington has been lavishing attention on Taiwan, stepping up official visits and saying it will likely allow visa-free travel to the U.S. The moves are raising suspicions that America is trying to influence a tight presidential election here in January.
台北台灣(美國聯合通信社)— 華盛頓對台灣的大選已經投以過度的關注,包括提昇官方層次的拜訪與宣布美國將可能允許免簽證去美國旅行。美國的這些行動讓人增強懷疑美國正試圖影響緊繃的在一月此地的總統選舉。
President Ma Ying-jeou has seized on Washington's favors, touting them as reasons voters should re-elect him. The Taipei Times, which supports his main opponent, Tsai Ing-wen, said in an editorial: "Foolhardy or malicious, inadvertent or by design, the U.S. has taken sides in next month's elections."
馬英九總統已經緊緊抓住華盛頓的恩惠幫助,他們利用此推銷為台灣選民應該再次選他連任之理由。支持馬英九主要對手蔡英文的台北時報在一篇社論稱: 「蠻橫硬幹或惡毒蓄意,偶然巧合或精心設計,美國已經在下個月的選舉中靠邊站。」
The U.S. denies doing so, but Tamkang University political scientist Edward Chen said the timing of the visa announcement just a few weeks before the Jan. 14 poll "carried political connotations."
美國否認會如此做法, 但是淡江大學政治學家陳一新稱,在一月14日大選前的僅幾個星期前宣佈免簽證的時機帶有「政治隱涵意義」
While the U.S. has influenced Taiwan's politics since it stationed military forces on the island during the Cold War, Washington has generally kept aloof in presidential elections.
The de facto American embassy in Taipei said that Washington remains neutral this time too, wanting to see a free and fair vote in one of Asia's most dynamic democracies. "The United States does not interfere in foreign elections," said Sheila Paskman, spokeswoman at the American Institute in Taiwan. "And that includes Taiwan's."
Whether or not Washington intended to boost Ma, its recent moves have reinforced perceptions that the U.S. sees its interests better served by him.
Ma has made his signature policy the tying of Taiwan's high-tech economy ever closer to China's lucrative markets. Beijing, which claims the island as its own, has been delighted, muting past threats of military force.
The result has been to ease tensions across the 100-mile- (160-kilometer-) wide Taiwan Strait to their lowest level since China and Taiwan split amid civil war in 1949. That reduces the chances that the U.S. would be embroiled in a conflict at a time when it is trying to repair its economy, steady relations with Beijing and re-engage in East Asia after a decade of preoccupation with Iraq and Afghanistan.
馬英九親支政策的發展結果緩和了因(支國)的內戰,自1949年支國與台灣分開以來160公里寬的台灣海峽間的緊張關係。在試圖修補其國內經濟情況 以及在結束10年久的佔領伊拉克與阿富汗重後欲重新踏入連結東亞區域而欲與北京維持兩國間穩定關係之際,因此台灣海峽緊張關係之緩和,降低了美國將被捲入 一場戰爭衝突。
By contrast, Tsai's Democratic Progressive Party supports formal independence from China, as opposed to the de facto independence Taiwan has now. Her predecessor as party leader, Chen Shui-bian, frequently angered Beijing — and gave America fits — when he was president from 2000-2008. Though Tsai has backed away from his brinksmanship with China, she has never publicly renounced independence.
There is "no doubt in my mind that Washington would be more comfortable with a Ma win," international relations specialist Arthur Waldron of the University of Pennsylvania wrote in an email. "One of the traditional and overwrought fears in D.C. is that a DPP administration will come in and 'make trouble.'"
賓州大學的國際關係專家Arthur Waldron在他的網際發信中寫稱:「在我的想法中,毫無疑問的華盛頓將對馬英九贏得選舉感到更舒服」;「在華盛頓特區的傳統與莫大的擔憂之一就是民進黨重新取得政權與“製造麻煩”」。
Polls show a very tight race. Though Ma holds a slight edge, a surge by third-party candidate James Soong — a former member of Ma's Nationalist Party — would likely take more votes away from Ma than Tsai.
Ma has campaigned as the candidate most capable of building ties with China without sacrificing Taiwan's close links with the United States, still its most important partner 33 years after Washington transferred its recognition from Taipei to Beijing as the government of China.
The U.S. is legally obligated to provide Taiwan with weapons to defend itself against a possible Chinese attack and maintains a large commercial presence on the island, with $20 billion in investments.
With many Taiwanese visiting the U.S. frequently, visa-free travel would be a popular move. After the American Institute announced that the program could begin soon if a U.S. investigation finds no problems with Taiwan's security procedures, Ma called it "a major diplomatic breakthrough" that raises Taiwan-U.S. relations to their highest point in 30 years.
基於很多台灣人頻繁的拜訪美國,免簽證旅行將是一項很受歡迎的推動政策成果。在AIT宣佈假如調查的結果發現台灣的安全程序沒有問題的話,免簽證計 劃將可能不久可以實施,對此宣佈,馬英九宣稱其為: 「在30年來提昇台美關係至最高點的“一項重要的外交突破”」。(美國在台協會宣布,台灣已獲提名加入美國免簽證計劃 (Visa Waiver Program)。http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1170.html)。
Earlier this month the head of the U.S. Agency for International Development and the deputy energy secretary made visits to Taiwan that were heavily publicized by the American Institute. Such visits have been rare in recent years, to prevent China from charging that Washington is reneging on its recognition of Beijing.
(櫻川註: 美國國際開發署(USAID)署長拉吉夫‧沙赫 (Rajiv Shah) 是接受美國在台協會(AIT)的邀請12月1日至2日訪台,http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1165.html。美國能源部副部長丹尼爾‧伯納曼 (Daniel B. Poneman) 於12月12日至14日訪問台北,作為他亞洲之行的其中一站。伯納曼副部長將是十年來訪台最高階的美國官員。http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1168.html。)。
Tsai and her campaign have minimized criticism, fearing that a tiff with Washington would cost her votes. She traveled to Washington in September to meet with officials and try to set them at ease about her leadership.
Amid that outreach, the Financial Times quoted an unnamed U.S. official as saying that Tsai had created doubts about her ability to maintain stable China-Taiwan relations — a statement that caused a firestorm in the Taiwanese media, which saw it as evidence of U.S. meddling.
Ultimately, analysts say what's at stake is the best way for a small, democratic island to coexist with a powerful China.
總結而論,分析家指稱: 對一個小的民主島嶼台灣之要與一個強大的支國共存的上策就是「瞭解什麼是生死關頭」。
"Washington is intervening quietly in Taiwan's elections," said June Teufel Dreyer, an Asia expert at the University of Miami. "What the State Department seems to want is a gradual folding of Taiwan into (China) — a bit like watching one of those protoplasmic creatures oozing around and eventually incorporating its prey. No eagle sinks talons into fish or cat grabs struggling bird, just slow integration."
在麥阿密大學的一位亞洲問題專家June Teufel Dreyer指出: 「華盛頓正靜巧巧的暗中干預台灣的選舉」;「美國國務院似乎所要的是一個緩慢的讓其加工被納入(支國)的台灣) — —就很像所看到的一隻變形蟲將觸足體延伸先包圍住獵物然後最終將其併吞成為一體」。「不是如急獵鷹伸爪入水捕魚或如猛貓抓補爭紮中的小鳥,而是慢慢的併吞 蠶食~」。
翻譯: 櫻川武藏 (台灣民政府 國安參謀聯席會議 委員 )
Awaiting a Legal War
2011年10月4日,美國眾議院外交事務委員會召開「台灣為何重要?」聽證會(Foreign Affairs Hearing on 「Why Taiwan Matters」 October 4, 2011). 美國國務院負責東亞及太平洋事務之助理國務卿(Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs)Dr. Kurt Campbell,在會中提及:
Ultimately, it is in American interest to see democracy flourishes in Taiwan. One of the things that bind us most closely is the democratic experience. In January, Taiwan will be conducting a major election both the executive and the legislative level. The United States supports that election. We don't play favorites. We don't choose a candidate. we will work closely with any leader or leadership that emerges there.
然而,2012年1月1日,美聯社駐台北記者Peter Enav發表文章,指控美國在台灣選舉將近時,有所偏袒(Charges of US bias as Taiwan election nears)。可見,美國國務院在美國利益考量下,不惜被批評「說一套做一套」。
事實上,無論是美國國務院助理國務卿或是美聯社記者所稱「台灣」,毫無疑問, 是美國政府所據以模糊台灣法理地位之「台灣關係法」架構內,包含中國成份之「政治台灣」。事實上,就法理成面來說,舊金山和平條約第2條(b)架構內之 「法理台灣」,不應該且不包含「中國成份」在內才是正確 。
依1979年1月1日所發佈之「美中建交公報」,美國政府應是和代表「本土台 灣人(the people of Taiwan)」之「台灣民政府」建立「正式之非官方關係(formal while unofficial relations)」,而且,依1979年1月1日生效之「台灣關係法」,美國政府則是和管轄「在台灣的人(the people on Taiwan) 」之「台灣治理當局」建立「非正式之官方關係(informal while official relations)」。
1. 以中國占領當局之立場,在美國國防部之認可下,代理台灣美國軍政府佔領日本台灣。
2. 以流亡中華民國政府之立場,透過美國在台協會和美國國務院,建立「非正式之官方」關係,延續美華間之傳統邦交。
台灣關係法架構內「台灣治理當局」所包含之「中國占領當局」成份,只是代理台灣美國軍政府,在日本台灣被占領領土之治理機關,無涉外交。而台灣治理 當局所包含之「中華民國流亡政府」成份,則設有外交部以和美國國務院維持「非正式之官方關係」。因此,美國政府官員於2011年12月間,陸續訪問流亡在 台灣之「盟邦」,其實滿口胡說八道,並非無跡可尋。
「台灣民政府」向明仁天皇所提出之訴求,於2011年12月23日在日本皇居天長節一般參賀場合中,獲得明仁天皇善意回應。於是,可確定就法理而 言,台灣是美國總統占領中之日本天皇領土。在「日屬美占」架構內,美國國務院支持代理台灣美國軍政府占領日本台灣之「中國殖民政權」,讓佔領方之流亡中國 人和被占領方之本土台灣人,在「中華民國憲法」下選舉「中華民國總統(President of the Republic of China)」,其實是等同縱容中國流亡政府在日本台灣就地合法,誤導國際人士和台灣人誤以為台灣就是中華民國。然後,將當選人承認為「台灣治理當局行政 長官(Executive of the governing authorities on Taiwan)」,其根本就是等同縱容中國占領當局行「永久占領(permanent occupation」,企圖移轉日本台灣主權,讓人誤導中華民國就是台灣,明顯違反美國憲法所承認之「萬國公法」。
「台灣民政府」和中華民國體制內之選舉完全無關,然基於美國國務院所支持以模糊台灣法理地位之「在台灣之大選(major election on Taiwan)」選舉,本身並「不合法(not lawful)」,有必要設法提醒美國總統:承認該選舉當選人為占領方之中華民國總統,或台灣治理當局行政長官,等於認同中國殖民政權永久占領日本天皇領 土,是為不正當、不應當、不恰當且不合國際法之政治處理。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會 執行長
翻譯: 櫻川武藏
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Washington has been lavishing attention on Taiwan, stepping up official visits and saying it will likely allow visa-free travel to the U.S. The moves are raising suspicions that America is trying to influence a tight presidential election here in January.
台北台灣(美國聯合通信社)— 華盛頓對台灣的大選已經投以過度的關注,包括提昇官方層次的拜訪與宣布美國將可能允許免簽證去美國旅行。美國的這些行動讓人增強懷疑美國正試圖影響緊繃的在一月此地的總統選舉。
President Ma Ying-jeou has seized on Washington's favors, touting them as reasons voters should re-elect him. The Taipei Times, which supports his main opponent, Tsai Ing-wen, said in an editorial: "Foolhardy or malicious, inadvertent or by design, the U.S. has taken sides in next month's elections."
馬英九總統已經緊緊抓住華盛頓的恩惠幫助,他們利用此推銷為台灣選民應該再次選他連任之理由。支持馬英九主要對手蔡英文的台北時報在一篇社論稱: 「蠻橫硬幹或惡毒蓄意,偶然巧合或精心設計,美國已經在下個月的選舉中靠邊站。」
The U.S. denies doing so, but Tamkang University political scientist Edward Chen said the timing of the visa announcement just a few weeks before the Jan. 14 poll "carried political connotations."
美國否認會如此做法, 但是淡江大學政治學家陳一新稱,在一月14日大選前的僅幾個星期前宣佈免簽證的時機帶有「政治隱涵意義」
While the U.S. has influenced Taiwan's politics since it stationed military forces on the island during the Cold War, Washington has generally kept aloof in presidential elections.
The de facto American embassy in Taipei said that Washington remains neutral this time too, wanting to see a free and fair vote in one of Asia's most dynamic democracies. "The United States does not interfere in foreign elections," said Sheila Paskman, spokeswoman at the American Institute in Taiwan. "And that includes Taiwan's."
Whether or not Washington intended to boost Ma, its recent moves have reinforced perceptions that the U.S. sees its interests better served by him.
Ma has made his signature policy the tying of Taiwan's high-tech economy ever closer to China's lucrative markets. Beijing, which claims the island as its own, has been delighted, muting past threats of military force.
The result has been to ease tensions across the 100-mile- (160-kilometer-) wide Taiwan Strait to their lowest level since China and Taiwan split amid civil war in 1949. That reduces the chances that the U.S. would be embroiled in a conflict at a time when it is trying to repair its economy, steady relations with Beijing and re-engage in East Asia after a decade of preoccupation with Iraq and Afghanistan.
馬英九親支政策的發展結果緩和了因(支國)的內戰,自1949年支國與台灣分開以來160公里寬的台灣海峽間的緊張關係。在試圖修補其國內經濟情況 以及在結束10年久的佔領伊拉克與阿富汗重後欲重新踏入連結東亞區域而欲與北京維持兩國間穩定關係之際,因此台灣海峽緊張關係之緩和,降低了美國將被捲入 一場戰爭衝突。
By contrast, Tsai's Democratic Progressive Party supports formal independence from China, as opposed to the de facto independence Taiwan has now. Her predecessor as party leader, Chen Shui-bian, frequently angered Beijing — and gave America fits — when he was president from 2000-2008. Though Tsai has backed away from his brinksmanship with China, she has never publicly renounced independence.
There is "no doubt in my mind that Washington would be more comfortable with a Ma win," international relations specialist Arthur Waldron of the University of Pennsylvania wrote in an email. "One of the traditional and overwrought fears in D.C. is that a DPP administration will come in and 'make trouble.'"
賓州大學的國際關係專家Arthur Waldron在他的網際發信中寫稱:「在我的想法中,毫無疑問的華盛頓將對馬英九贏得選舉感到更舒服」;「在華盛頓特區的傳統與莫大的擔憂之一就是民進黨重新取得政權與“製造麻煩”」。
Polls show a very tight race. Though Ma holds a slight edge, a surge by third-party candidate James Soong — a former member of Ma's Nationalist Party — would likely take more votes away from Ma than Tsai.
Ma has campaigned as the candidate most capable of building ties with China without sacrificing Taiwan's close links with the United States, still its most important partner 33 years after Washington transferred its recognition from Taipei to Beijing as the government of China.
The U.S. is legally obligated to provide Taiwan with weapons to defend itself against a possible Chinese attack and maintains a large commercial presence on the island, with $20 billion in investments.
With many Taiwanese visiting the U.S. frequently, visa-free travel would be a popular move. After the American Institute announced that the program could begin soon if a U.S. investigation finds no problems with Taiwan's security procedures, Ma called it "a major diplomatic breakthrough" that raises Taiwan-U.S. relations to their highest point in 30 years.
基於很多台灣人頻繁的拜訪美國,免簽證旅行將是一項很受歡迎的推動政策成果。在AIT宣佈假如調查的結果發現台灣的安全程序沒有問題的話,免簽證計 劃將可能不久可以實施,對此宣佈,馬英九宣稱其為: 「在30年來提昇台美關係至最高點的“一項重要的外交突破”」。(美國在台協會宣布,台灣已獲提名加入美國免簽證計劃 (Visa Waiver Program)。http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1170.html)。
Earlier this month the head of the U.S. Agency for International Development and the deputy energy secretary made visits to Taiwan that were heavily publicized by the American Institute. Such visits have been rare in recent years, to prevent China from charging that Washington is reneging on its recognition of Beijing.
(櫻川註: 美國國際開發署(USAID)署長拉吉夫‧沙赫 (Rajiv Shah) 是接受美國在台協會(AIT)的邀請12月1日至2日訪台,http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1165.html。美國能源部副部長丹尼爾‧伯納曼 (Daniel B. Poneman) 於12月12日至14日訪問台北,作為他亞洲之行的其中一站。伯納曼副部長將是十年來訪台最高階的美國官員。http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1168.html。)。
Tsai and her campaign have minimized criticism, fearing that a tiff with Washington would cost her votes. She traveled to Washington in September to meet with officials and try to set them at ease about her leadership.
Amid that outreach, the Financial Times quoted an unnamed U.S. official as saying that Tsai had created doubts about her ability to maintain stable China-Taiwan relations — a statement that caused a firestorm in the Taiwanese media, which saw it as evidence of U.S. meddling.
Ultimately, analysts say what's at stake is the best way for a small, democratic island to coexist with a powerful China.
總結而論,分析家指稱: 對一個小的民主島嶼台灣之要與一個強大的支國共存的上策就是「瞭解什麼是生死關頭」。
"Washington is intervening quietly in Taiwan's elections," said June Teufel Dreyer, an Asia expert at the University of Miami. "What the State Department seems to want is a gradual folding of Taiwan into (China) — a bit like watching one of those protoplasmic creatures oozing around and eventually incorporating its prey. No eagle sinks talons into fish or cat grabs struggling bird, just slow integration."
在麥阿密大學的一位亞洲問題專家June Teufel Dreyer指出: 「華盛頓正靜巧巧的暗中干預台灣的選舉」;「美國國務院似乎所要的是一個緩慢的讓其加工被納入(支國)的台灣) — —就很像所看到的一隻變形蟲將觸足體延伸先包圍住獵物然後最終將其併吞成為一體」。「不是如急獵鷹伸爪入水捕魚或如猛貓抓補爭紮中的小鳥,而是慢慢的併吞 蠶食~」。
翻譯: 櫻川武藏 (台灣民政府 國安參謀聯席會議 委員 )