民政當局 Civil Administration
1. Lewis Paul "Jerry" Bremer III (Paul Bremer) is an American diplomat. On July 13, 2003, the creation of the Iraqi Interim
Governing Council was approved by Paul Bremer, Director of the Coalition Provisional Authority as Governor of Iraq.
結合「軍事佔領」和「政治流亡」之「中國殖民」,經由大量中國難民「移入」日本台灣,改變當地原本之人口及社會結構,導致當地之「民族特性消滅(the extinguishing of the ethnic identity)」及包括「語言消滅(linguicide)等之文化消滅(ethnocide)」。其藉改變民族特性以「變種」罪行,並不下於違反國際法之「滅種(genocide)」。
I. 美軍在戰爭法架構內,執行琉球佔領之機關,依設立時間順序整理如下:
1. 1945年4月1日
琉球列島美國軍政府 (United States
Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands)
2. 1945年8月20日
沖繩諮詢會(Okinawa Advisory Council)
3. 1946年4月24日
沖繩民政府(Okinawa Civilian Administration)
4. 1946年10月3日
奄美群島臨時北部南西諸島政廳 (Provisional Government of Northern Ryukyu Islands)
5. 1947年3月21日
宮古民政府 (Miyako Civil Government)八重山民政府 (Yaneyama Civil Government)
6. 1950年6月15日
臨時琉球諮詢委員會(Interim Ryukyus Advisory Council)
7. 1950年12月15日
琉球列島美國民政府 (United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands)
8. 1951年4月1日
琉球臨時中央政府(Ryukyu Provisional Central Government)
9. 1952年4月1日
1. 1945年4月1日
琉球列島美國軍政府 (United States
Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands)
2. 1945年8月20日
沖繩諮詢會(Okinawa Advisory Council)
3. 1946年4月24日
沖繩民政府(Okinawa Civilian Administration)
4. 1946年10月3日
奄美群島臨時北部南西諸島政廳 (Provisional Government of Northern Ryukyu Islands)
5. 1947年3月21日
宮古民政府 (Miyako Civil Government)八重山民政府 (Yaneyama Civil Government)
6. 1950年6月15日
臨時琉球諮詢委員會(Interim Ryukyus Advisory Council)
7. 1950年12月15日
琉球列島美國民政府 (United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands)
8. 1951年4月1日
琉球臨時中央政府(Ryukyu Provisional Central Government)
9. 1952年4月1日
琉球政府(Government of the Ryukyu Iskands)
1. 琉球列島美國軍政府設立沖繩民政府、宮古民政府、八重山民政府。
2. 琉球列島美國民政府設立琉球政府。
A. 美國軍事佔領日本台灣之模式應為:
1. 台灣美國軍政府(United States
Military Government of Formosa and the Pescadores)設立台灣民政府。
Military Government of Formosa and the Pescadores)設立台灣民政府。
2. 台灣美國民政府(United States Civil
Administration of Formosa and the Pescadores)設立台灣民政府或台灣政府。
Administration of Formosa and the Pescadores)設立台灣民政府或台灣政府。
B. 中國軍事佔領日本台灣之模式應為:
1. 本質為台灣中國軍政府之台灣省警備總司令部設立台灣民政府。
2. 本質為台灣中國民政府之台灣省行政長官公署,或其後所改制之台灣省政府,設立台灣民政府或台灣政府。
中國佔領當局自1945年10月25日起,依盟軍間之協議,得以分配佔領日本台灣領土後,未曾協助被佔領方之本土台灣人設立台灣民政府。現階段本質為台灣中國民政府之台灣省政府,在戰爭法架構內,有協助台灣民政府乃至未來台灣政府其設立及運作之佔領責任,是以在實現台灣地位正常化之前是不得廢除。自1952年4月28日起,中國殖民政權在美國當局認可下,因代理台灣美國軍政府,得以繼續佔領日本台灣領土。基於中國佔領當局並未設立台灣民政府。 美國當局完全有立場在親自執行日本台灣佔領後,依戰爭法設立台灣民政府。
1. 如不順從者(if disobey)
以「佔領日本台灣(having occupied Japanese Taiwan)」後,對不順從中國佔領軍治理之本土台灣人,祭出美國所承認之戰爭法,予以「最嚴厲之懲罰(the severest punishment)」。
2. 如順從(if obey)
以「解放中國台灣(liberating "Chinese" Taiwan)」身份,將本土台灣人納入中華民國憲法體制內治理,企圖就地合法,將台灣併入中國。
對於中國佔領當局,本土台灣人如不順從,是無法生存,而如順從,則會被視為認同中國。中國人之兩面手法,讓本土台灣人是進退維谷,淪於政治煉獄。然而。本土台灣人也可採兩手策略回敬,一方面,需順從中國佔領當局以行戰爭法之「暫時效忠(temporary allegiance)」,不必要做任何無謂犧牲,另一方面,則需連結美日,致力台灣地位正常化,與中國切割。
II. 民政當局概念(Concept of Civil Administration):
Civil administration support is assistance to stabilize a foreign
government. There are three mission activities that support civil
administration: civil assistance, civil administration in friendly territory, and civil administration in occupied territory. It fulfills obligations arising from treaties, agreements, or international law.(佔領者)民政當局支援,是幫助穩定外國政府。支援民政當局之任務活動有三種:
government. There are three mission activities that support civil
administration: civil assistance, civil administration in friendly territory, and civil administration in occupied territory. It fulfills obligations arising from treaties, agreements, or international law.(佔領者)民政當局支援,是幫助穩定外國政府。支援民政當局之任務活動有三種:
- 民事援助
- 善意領土之民政當局
- 被佔領領土之民政當局
美軍在其佔領地所成立之「軍事政府亦即軍政府(military government)」,其「民政當局(civil administration)」必須物色適當之被佔領方人士,依戰爭法設立「民事政府亦即民政府(civil government)」,遂行治理權之移轉並在萬國公法規範內施行治理。有關被佔領地民政當局之概念如下:
Concept of Civil Administration in Occupied Territory:
1. Situations
occur when military necessity or legitimate directives require the Army
to establish a temporary government in an occupied territory.
2. The
civil administration in occupied territory is imposed by force. The
administered territory is under effective U.S. military control.
3. The
U.S. military goal is to establish a government that supports U.S.
objectives and to transfer control to a duly organized government as
quickly as possible.
4. The U.S. military will identify, screen, and train reliable civilians to ease this transfer.
5. Even with the use of local civilians, the occupying forces still retain the power to exercise supreme authority.
6. Granting
authority to civilian government officials does not of itself terminate
the Army's responsibility in the occupied territory.
7. The
goal of U.S. civil administration of an occupied territory is to create
an effective civil government. This government should not pose a threat
to future peace and stability. Support to civil administration of an
occupied territory should emphasize that an orderly and efficient
transition occurs from civil administration to civil government and the
obligations of international law and treaties are met.
8. Occupied hostile territory is an
area the United States has taken possession of (through force of arms) with the
intent to keep it from enemy control.
area the United States has taken possession of (through force of arms) with the
intent to keep it from enemy control.
9. Possession
does not require the presence of troops in all areas of the occupied
territory. The occupying force must, however, be able to quickly deploy
to any area within the territory to enforce its authority.
10. The
head of an established civil administration system is the civil
administrator, often called the military governor. The administrator is a
military commander or other designated person who exercises authority
over the occupied territory.
11. The
occupying power may allow the existing government structure to continue
under its control and supervision. It represents the easiest basis for
developing a functioning government on short notice, since it is already in place.
12. The
occupying power may elect to retain all public officials or, for
political or security reasons, may replace all or selected personnel
with other qualified people. Programs directed toward
effecting political reform, strengthening government agencies and institutions, and developing self-government are carried out as necessary.
effecting political reform, strengthening government agencies and institutions, and developing self-government are carried out as necessary.
13. In
some cases, the occupying power may find it necessary to reorganize,
replace, or abolish selected agencies or institutions of the existing
14. Replacing
the existing government and building a new structure is the most
drastic "change of administration, COA". The occupying power should
adopt this COA only if the old regime has completely collapsed or is so
hostile or poses such a threat to peace and stability that its continued
existence cannot be tolerated.
日本政府於1945年4月1日,將台灣編入為日本之國土一部份後,就體制而言,台灣總督府即應改由適當之地方制度,取代而不復有繼續存在之正當性。儘管如此,基於原本在台灣領土上為既有政府之台灣總督府,於1945年10月25日已徹底瓦解,美國當局理應督促中國佔領軍,依戰爭法循「最激烈之政權改變」模式,在台灣佔領地「為本土台灣人新設立一個民事政府(to newly set up a civil government for
the people of Taiwan)」。然而,美國當局卻是縱容本質為中國軍事政府之台灣治理當局,將「佔領日本台灣」誤導成「解放中國台灣」,技術性迴避設立台灣民政府,模糊台灣地位。
the people of Taiwan)」。然而,美國當局卻是縱容本質為中國軍事政府之台灣治理當局,將「佔領日本台灣」誤導成「解放中國台灣」,技術性迴避設立台灣民政府,模糊台灣地位。
15. The
occupying power must obey the existing laws, but in many cases, it may
have to change the existing laws. International law is quite specific
about requirements. It must meet these requirements when changing civil
law in an occupied territory.
美西巴黎和約於1898年12月10日簽訂後,美國陸軍少將 John R. Brooke 於1898年12月28日在維持現行西班牙政府之司法體制下,設立「古巴美國軍政府(United States Military Government of Cuba)」。
Cuba's judicial powers and courts remained legally based on the codes of the Spanish government.
Cuba's judicial powers and courts remained legally based on the codes of the Spanish government.
1. Lewis Paul "Jerry" Bremer III (Paul Bremer) is an American diplomat. On July 13, 2003, the creation of the Iraqi Interim
Governing Council was approved by Paul Bremer, Director of the Coalition Provisional Authority as Governor of Iraq.
於2003年7月13日,美國外交官Paul Bremer以「聯合臨時當局(相當於伊拉克聯軍民政府)」指揮官,為伊拉克總督之身份核准「伊拉克臨時治理議會(相當於伊拉克民政府)」之創立。
Bremer's office was a division of the United States Department
of Defense, and as Administrator he reported directly to the United
States Secretary of Defense.
台灣民政府之對口單位是直屬 美國總統之美國國防部,非美國國務院。
3. On
June 28, 2004 at 10:26 AM local time, the US-led Coalition Provisional
Authority formally transferred limited sovereignty of Iraqi territory to
the Iraqi Interim Government.
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
Part III : Status and treatment of protected persons
Section III : Occupied territories
第三部份: 受保護人民之身份及對待
第三節: 被佔領領土
ARTICLE 49: Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the
territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.
第49條: 個人或集體強制遷移,如同將受保護人民從被佔領領土,放逐至佔領國之領土,或至任何其他被佔領或非被佔領國家之領土,無論其動機為何,是被禁止的。佔領國是不得將該國之部份平民人口,放逐或遷移至其所佔領之領土。
means that settlements are prohibited. The occupying power
cannot confiscate land in the occupied territory for the sole purpose of
establishing settlements for its nationals. The occupying power also
has the responsibility to preserve and maintain the demographic and
social configuration of the
occupied territory, which may entail restricting even voluntary
occupied territory, which may entail restricting even voluntary
結合「軍事佔領」和「政治流亡」之「中國殖民」,經由大量中國難民「移入」日本台灣,改變當地原本之人口及社會結構,導致當地之「民族特性消滅(the extinguishing of the ethnic identity)」及包括「語言消滅(linguicide)等之文化消滅(ethnocide)」。其藉改變民族特性以「變種」罪行,並不下於違反國際法之「滅種(genocide)」。
Occupying Power may not compel protected persons to serve in its armed
or auxiliary forces. No pressure or propaganda which aims at securing
voluntary enlistment is permitted.
上述「佔領法則(rules of occupation)」可知,中國殖民政權在日本台灣佔領地及至目前依徵兵制之義務役,甚至未來依募兵制之自願役,皆是違反日內瓦公約之規定。
The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee has requested that the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, subject to their comment from a military point of
view, transmit the message in Enclosure "A" to the Commanding General,
U.S. Forces, China Theater in reply to his telegram in Enclosure "B".
2. The Committee states that it will forward a copy of Enclosure "A" to the State Department upon notification of such transmittal.
From: Commanding General, U.S. Forces, China Theater
To : War Department
Nr: CFBX 23362 16 February 1946
附件B:為中國戰區美軍指揮將領(General Albert C. Wedemeyer) 於1946年2月16日所發予戰爭部電報之改寫文::
1. With
reference to the repatriation of Japanese from Formosa, the matter of
taking over property belonging to Japanese civilians who are citizens of
Formosa must be clarified with respect to the exact legal status of
Formosa to permit this headquarters to advise the Chinese authorities in
this matter.
The Commanding General U.S. Forces, China Theater (COMGENCHINA)
is responsible under current theater directives to advise and assist
Chinese in repatriation of Japs from China Theater, including Formosa.
Plans have been made accordingly to repatriate all Japs nationals from
Formosa to be completed
by 30 April 46.
by 30 April 46.
3. Each
repatriate under this plan is limited to the amount of baggage he can
carry on his person and the plan also prescribes the amounts and kind of
currency and financial instruments which repatriates (including Jap
citizens of Formosa) can take to Japan.
4. The
question as to the present legal status of Formosa is brought up in the
taking over of properties of Japanese civilians who are citizens of
Formosa. It would appear that Formosa presents a special case in that it
was formerly recognized by the U.S. as Japanese territory. It would
appear under international law Formosa’s still Japanese territory and
will remain Japanese territory until sovereignty is awarded to some
other country by means of a formal treaty, although the Heads of State
have agreed that Formosa shall be returned to Chinese sovereignty.
上述說詞可知:就中國戰區美軍指揮將領之認知,福爾摩沙在日本依正式和平條約明確讓與其他國家之前,依國際法仍為日本領土。台灣「目前法理地位(present status de jure)」歸屬日本之論點,完全有正當性。
Enclosure A was a February 18 draft in reply to Enclosure B:
THEATER CM-IN-3760 February 18, 1946
The following, received from the State, War and Navy Departments, is furnished in reply to your CFBX 23362 (Enclosure B):
附件A為國務、戰爭及海軍部門,1946年2月18日所提供電文,以回覆中國戰區指揮將領其CFBX 23362電報(附件B):
1. In
view of the foregoing such as the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam
Proclamation, and the Instrument of Surrender, it would appear that
Japan has lost sovereignty over Formosa, and by virtue of the assumption
and exercise of governmental authority by the Republic of China in
Formosa pursuant to the Cairo Declaration and the signature of
the representatives of the Governments of China and Japan, the State
considers that Formosa has been restored to the Republic of China but that this transfer may eventually have to be formalized by appropriate treaty arrangements.
considers that Formosa has been restored to the Republic of China but that this transfer may eventually have to be formalized by appropriate treaty arrangements.
2. The
position of the United States in regard to Japanese assets located in
Chinese territory formerly occupied by the Japanese was communicated to
the American Embassy in Chungking in a telegram dated September 25,
1945. It was stated that, provided ..................... and provided
.................., the United States Government had no objection to
Chinese action confiscating on behalf of the Chinese Government
Japanese private and public property physically located in Chinese
territory formerly occupied by the Japanese which would return to
Chinese jurisdiction;
...........美國對日本人在過去所佔領之中國領土內之財產之立場,在1945年9月25日傳至重慶美國大使館電報中,稱美國政府有條件地不反對中國人,為了中國政府沒收日本人在過去所佔領,將回歸中國管轄之中國領土內之私有和公有財產; ...........
...........美國對日本人在過去所佔領之中國領土內之財產之立場,在1945年9月25日傳至重慶美國大使館電報中,稱美國政府有條件地不反對中國人,為了中國政府沒收日本人在過去所佔領,將回歸中國管轄之中國領土內之私有和公有財產; ...........
以上敘述,原來中國佔領當局是在美國方面之認可下,沒收日本人在台灣之私有及公有財產,「合法化」於舊金山和平條約Article 4(b):
recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan
and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United
States Military Government in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2
and 3. 日本承認在和約第二條及第三條所提及之任何地區中,被美國軍政府或依美國軍政府指令處分日本和日本國民財產之有效性。
property of Japan and Japanese nationals (日本及日本國民財產)=Japanese private and public property (日本之私有及公有財產)
日本依Article 4(b)承認有效之具體處分:
a. 美國軍政府在Article 2(a)之南朝鮮及Article 3之琉球處分日本之公有及私有財產。
b. 中國佔領當局依美國軍政府指令在Article 2(b)之台灣處分日本之公有及私有財產。
美國軍政府是在戰爭法架構內,依舊金山和平條約Article 4(b)處分日本之公有及私有「財產物權」,不得違反萬國公法原則處分日本之「領土主權」。
3. In
view of the legal opinions expressed in paragraph 1 above, the position
of the United States outlined in paragraph 2 above is held to be
applicable to Formosa as well as other Chinese territory formerly
occupied by the Japanese which has now returned to Chinese control.
4. Above
is for your information. The disposition by the Chinese of Japanese
property in Formosa and the national status of residents of Formosa (as
distinguished from the operational task of repatriation of Japanese) are
considered to be political matters which may best be handled through
normal diplomatic channels. This statement is therefore being forwarded
by the State Department to the U.S. Embassy in Chungking for appropriate
action in consultation with you.
5. Repatriation procedure outlined in second paragraph your CFBX 23362 approved.
您在CFBX 23362電文第二段所概述之遣返處置核准。
Department guidance as to the exact legal status of Formosa
is requested inasmuch as the present legal status of Formosa has a
direct bearing on handling of the property of Japanese citizens of
Formosa who have been or are to be sent to Japan.
headquarters until instructions are received to the contrary,
will continue the repatriation of Japanese from Formosa in accordance
with present plans. Formosa Japs under present plans are in effect
placed in same category as Jap nationals being repatriated from China
和平條約Article 4(b),不得不承認該處分之有效性,另一方面,則是已隨著歲月,逐漸為包括日本之國際社會所淡忘。儘管如此,在當時即使並不存在得以遵循之日內瓦公約,美國及中國之當局,聯手違反日內瓦公約所以為依據之萬國公法,則是難辭其咎。
中國領土對日本國民而言,是外國。然而,琉球和台灣對日本國民而言,是本國。 因此,美國軍方將居住在日本福爾摩沙之和裔台灣住民,與赴中國領土征戰或居住之日本國民,置於同樣類別,實在是將馮京當馬涼之錯誤類比。
to Antonio Cassese, states must refrain from altering the structure of
the concerned "people" by moving populations in or out of the occupied
territory. 依聯合國專案處理國際事務之特任官義大利籍國際法專家Antonio Cassese之看法,國家必須避免藉人口之「移入或移出」被佔領領土,改變有關民族之結構。
由Antonio Cassese之見解足以證明:美國在台灣其「確切之目前法理地位(the exact present legal status)」尚待確認之際,即允許中國佔領當局將和裔台灣住民強制「移出」,遣返日本本土,及讓中國政治難民藉軍事佔領之便,大舉「移入」日本台灣領土以殖民,皆是違反國際法之非法行為或戰爭犯罪。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峰弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會 執行長