2012年1月19日 星期四



Decoding the Congratulatory Messages
美國總統賀電常常將「the people of Taiwan」和「the people on Taiwan」交叉使用,意在迷惑本土台灣人,讓本土台灣人弄錯本身是誰?迷糊參加選舉,看看所謂「賀電」,就會了解這個世紀「政治大騙局」,經過「台灣民政府」說分明後,這次流亡總統選舉終於降低投票率,可以說是台灣史上最低。「台灣民政府」還會繼續努力以赴,直到中止這個「騙局選舉」為止,天佑台灣!
美國政府支持的「在台灣之總統大選(presidential election on Taiwan)」 ,是指結合「本土台灣人(the people of Taiwan)及在台中國人(Chinese on Taiwan)」之「在台灣的人(the people on Taiwan)」,共同選舉流亡中華民國總統。基於西藏流亡政府總理當選人,並無需仰賴美國總統祝賀聲明之加持;流亡中華民國總統當選人,理應無需期待美國總統祝賀聲明以加持,然而,卻是念茲在茲,非常在意,其實只是針對選舉結果所發佈本質為「聲明」性質之所謂「賀電」,這是有隱情的,探究其原因和理由如下:
A. 2004年3月26日
We join the American people in congratulating the people of Taiwan on the successful conclusion of their March 20 presidential election. Taiwan's Central Election Commission on March 26 officially proclaimed that Mr. Chen Shui-bian has won reelection, and we congratulate Mr. Chen on his victory.
白宮秘書處發佈「新聞秘書(Press Secretary)」對台灣選舉結果之聲明稱:「我們和美國人民一同恭喜本土台灣人成功完成3月20日之總統選舉。台灣的中央選舉委員會於3月26日,正式宣佈陳水扁先生贏得連任,我們恭喜陳先生勝選。」
B. 2008年3月22日
I congratulate the people of Taiwan on the successful conclusion of their March 22 presidential election. Once again, Taiwan has demonstrated the strength and vitality of its democracy. I also congratulate Mr. Ma Ying-jeou on his victory.
C. 2012年1月14日
We congratulate Ma Ying-jeou on his reelection and the people of Taiwan on the successful conduct of their presidential and legislative elections.
具體解讀是:白宮方面恭喜馬英九連任,以及本土台灣人「成功地被引導參與根據中華民國憲法所舉行之總統和立委選舉(being successfully conducted to the presidential and legislative elections held on the authority of the Constitution of the Republic of China)」。美國政府「引導本土台灣人參與中華民國體制內之台灣選舉(conduct the people of Taiwan to Taiwan elections under the Republic of China)」,應是為讓「流亡中華民國總統」兼任「台灣行政長官」有正當性。無國籍之本土台灣人,在法理上並無資格成為中華民國總統。因此,本土台灣人只能陪選,不能當選,萬一當選,終將遭流亡中華民國政府清算鬥爭。淪入最深層政治煉獄的陳水扁先生,其遭遇就是活生生的見證。所謂「台灣選舉」,就是由美國政府主導,而由流亡中華民國政府運作之「政治騙局」。美國總統未曾在祝賀聲明中,明文認可流亡中華民國總統當選人兼任台灣行政長官,基於本土台灣人實際上是在流亡中華民國政府治理下,流亡中華民國總統當選人,是在美國總統之「默認」下兼任台灣行政長官。
美國政府安排本土台灣人參與流亡中華民國體制內之選舉,使「享有表相之自由和民主(appear to enjoy freedom and democracy)」,迴避有責任督促台灣行政長官,應代理美國軍事政府依戰爭法設立「台灣民政府」。台灣法理地位在美國政府和流亡中華民國政府聯手運作下,被巧妙模糊至今。
The relationship between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan is based on common interests and a shared commitment to freedom and democracy. As we have done for more than 30 years, we will maintain our close unofficial ties with the people on Taiwan through the American Institute in Taiwan and according to our one China policy based on the three Joint Communiqués with the People’s Republic of China and the Taiwan Relations Act.美國人民和本土台灣人的關係是基於共同利益,及共享民主和自由的承諾。正如我們已行之有三十多年,我們將依基於和中華人民共和國之三個聯合公報,以及台灣關係法之我方的一個中國政策,透過美國在台協會和在台灣的人維持密切之非官方連繫。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會  執行長
參考資料 1: 2012年之祝賀聲明
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 14, 2012

Statement by the President on Taiwan’s Elections
We congratulate Ma Ying-jeou on his reelection and the people of Taiwan on the successful conduct of their presidential and legislative elections.
Through the hard work of its people and its remarkable economic and political development over the past decades, Taiwan has proven to be one of the great success stories in Asia. In this year's elections, Taiwan has again demonstrated the strength and vitality of its democratic system. We are confident Taiwan will build on its many accomplishments, and we will continue to work together to advance our many common interests, including expanding trade and investment ties.
Cross-Strait peace, stability and improved relations, in an environment free from intimidation, are of profound importance to the United States.  We hope the impressive efforts that both sides have undertaken in recent years to build cross-Strait ties continue. Such ties and stability in cross-Strait relations have also benefitted U.S.-Taiwan relations.
The relationship between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan is based on common interests and a shared commitment to freedom and democracy. As we have done for more than 30 years, we will maintain our close unofficial ties with the people on Taiwan through the American Institute in Taiwan and according to our one China policy based on the three Joint Communiqués with the People’s Republic of China and the Taiwan Relations Act.

參考資料 2: ‎2008年之祝賀聲明電

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

March 22, 2008

Statement by the President on Taiwan Election
White House News

I congratulate the people of Taiwan on the successful conclusion of their March 22 presidential election. Once again, Taiwan has demonstrated the strength and vitality of its democracy. I also congratulate Mr. Ma Ying-jeou on his victory.

Taiwan is a beacon of democracy to Asia and the world. I am confident that the election and the democratic process it represents will advance Taiwan as a prosperous, secure, and well-governed society.

It falls to Taiwan and Beijing to build the essential foundations for peace and stability by pursuing dialogue through all available means and refraining from unilateral steps that would alter the cross-Strait situation. I believe the election provides a fresh opportunity for both sides to reach out and engage one another in peacefully resolving their differences.

The maintenance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the welfare of the people on Taiwan remain of profound importance to the United States. We will continue to maintain close unofficial ties with the people on Taiwanthrough the American Institute in Taiwan in accordance with our long standing one China policy, our three Joint Communiqu s with the People's Republic of China, and the Taiwan Relations Act.
參考資料 3: ‎2004年之祝賀聲明
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
March 26, 2004 
Statement on Taiwan Elections
Statement by the Press Secretary
Announcement of Election Results on Taiwan

We join the American people in congratulating the people of Taiwan on the successful conclusion of their March 20 presidential election. Taiwan's Central Election Commission on March 26 officially proclaimed that Mr. Chen Shui-bian has won reelection, and we congratulate Mr. Chen on his victory.

We recognize that there are pending legal challenges to the results of the March 20 election. We applaud the people of Taiwan for embracing established legal mechanisms and rejecting extra-legal options to resolve their differences. We reject calls for violence, which threaten the very democratic principles to which we and the people of Taiwan are committed.

The maintenance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the welfare of the people of Taiwan remain of profound importance to the United States. To advance these goals, the United States will fulfill its obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act. It falls to Taiwan and Beijing to build the essential foundations for peace and stability by pursuing dialogue through all available means and refraining from unilateral steps that would alter Taiwan's status.

We will continue to maintain close unofficial ties with the people on Taiwanthrough the American Institute in Taiwan in accordance with our one China policy, as embodied in the Taiwan Relations Act and our three Joint Communiqus with the People's Republic of China.
參考資料 4:
美國總統祝賀電文還未到?Congratulatory Messages
A. 美國國務院網站之祝賀聲明
Taiwan Presidential Election
Press Statement
Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 14, 2012 
The United States congratulates President Ma on his victory in Saturday’s elections in Taiwan. Taiwan has once again held a free and fair election. The people of Taiwan should be proud of this latest milestone for their democracy. We share with the Taiwan people a profound interest in the continuation of cross-Strait peace and stability. We look forward to working with Mr. Ma and Taiwan’s leaders from both parties to ensure that our strong economic and people-to-people relationship is maintained.
PRN: 2012/057
美國國務院發言人Victoria Nuland於2012年1月14日, 針對在台灣所舉行之總統選舉發表「新聞聲明(press statement)」:
本質為中國殖民政權之台灣治理當局,和美國的第一種關係,是源於政治運作之「外交關係(diplomatic relationship)」。台灣治理當局中之「流亡中華民國」成份和美國原本就是傳統盟邦(流亡以前),中華民國外交部發佈新聞稿感謝美國國務院發表聲明,祝賀馬英九先生勝選,自是無可厚非。「台灣民政府」則是基於不同立場,有必要就以上美國國務院制式新聞聲明,提出駁斥如下:
1. 基於美國國務院不承認台灣是主權獨立國家,法理上並不存在所謂「台灣總統」。因此,聲明中所稱之「馬總統」勢必是根據中華民國憲法所選出之中華民國總統。美國國務院客套地承認馬英九先生是中華民國總統,明顯是違反美國之一個中國政策。
2. 在中華民國體制內所舉行之所謂「民主選舉」,一方面是因絕大多數選民之投票行為是受制於意識形態和既得利益,並非真正自由及公平之選舉,另一方面,則是嚴重違反「軍事占領不得移轉主權及流亡政府不得就地合法」之國際法則,故無正當性。
B. 白宮之祝賀聲明
本質為中國殖民政權之台灣治理當局,和美國的第二種關係,是源於政治運作之「代理關係(principal-agent relationship)」。台灣治理當局中之「中國占領當局」成份,是在征服日本之美國總統杜魯門,及其後繼者認可下代理台灣美國軍政府佔領日本台灣。在「流亡政府不得就地合法」之國際法則拘束下,流亡西藏政府無權治理印度,同理,流亡中華民國總統並無管轄日本台灣之正當性。 因此,流亡中華民國總統必須經由美國總統「親自授權」,才得以兼任日本台灣之「行政長官(executive)」。流亡中華民國總統選舉其實和美國總統根本毫無關係,而美國總統是有責任「親自任命」適當之「台灣行政長官」在被占領領土性質的台灣治理民政事務。依過去慣例,是由流亡中華民國總統兼任台灣行政長官。於是,來自美國總統形同「授權書」賀電,對流亡中華民國總統當選人就非常重要,否則無兼任台灣行政長官之正當性。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會  執行長

