2012年2月23日 星期四


台灣選擇 Choice for Taiwan


1. 她說:「台灣除了少數原住民外,大部分都是從中國大陸移民而來。」




日 本台灣可以比照「中國香港(Hong Kong, China)」加入國際社會之模式,在「日本台灣(Taiwan, Japan)」架構內,以「台灣(Taiwan)」名義參與奧運會,以「日本台灣分離關稅領土(Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Japan)」名義參與世界貿易組織,則台灣自可有尊嚴地迎向國際海闊天空。


根據大日本 帝國憲法第73條所修訂之「日本國憲法」建構了日本天皇無「關於國政權能」之日本國。然而,在美國方面同意下,由台灣方面和日本方面共同組成相當於「制憲 委員會」,在大日本帝國憲法架構內所制定之「台灣基本法」則得以建構成日本天皇有「關於國政權能」之日本台灣。「日台共同聯盟」應就此達成共識以為未來努 力之目標。

台 灣自1895年5月8日起,因日清馬關條約(日稱下關條約)生效,成為日本天皇所「領有(possess)」之皇土,自1945年4月1日起,因大日本帝 國憲法施行,成為既是日本天皇所「擁有(own)」之皇土,同時也是適用萬國公法之日本國土。日本政府依天賦主權義務,不得「改變(alter)或免除 (release)」之萬國公法原則,在任何情況下,都不得以包括「割讓(cede)、交換(exchange)、或出售(sell)」等方式,將台灣移 轉予任何方。

針對美國總統歐巴馬和中國國家副主席習近平,2012年2月14日舉行之會談,中國新華社2月15日報導稱:「歐巴馬向習近平重申,堅持基於美中三個聯合公報的一個中國政策,不支持任何『台獨』主張,希望看到台海兩岸和平發展趨勢繼續發展。」慎 重追究所謂「美國不支持台獨訴求(The United States rejects any calls for Taiwan independence)」之訊息來源,實際上是美國白宮新聞秘書處在2月14日及2月15日所發佈訊息中,原來是只見有關「人權(human rights)和西藏(Tibet)」議題,而不見有關「台灣(Taiwan)」之任何議題。

就算中國新 華社報導確實為真,美國的立場其實是始終如一,了無新意。基於在法理上,台灣之所有權是歸日本天皇,而占領權是歸美國總統,這已經是眾所皆知的事實,美國 總統在美國憲法所承認之萬國公法拘束下,本來就有立場「拒絕(reject)或反對(oppose)或不支持(not support)」台灣獨立訴求,而也無立場「接受(accept)或同意(agree)或支持(support)」中國併吞台灣。美國之「不支持台灣獨 立」訴求絕非自動等同「接受中國併吞台灣」,台灣民政府呼籲美國當局確實遵循國際法則,實現台灣地位正常化,真正確保台海和平。蔡英文女士所認知的「未來 的一個中國」是猶如天方夜譚,本土台灣人民不可能答應的選擇。
作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會  執行長

參考資料 1:

Taipei Times
February 17, 2012

Concerns over possible US policy changes dismissed
By Shih Hsiu-chuan  /  Staff Reporter
The government yesterday dismissed concerns over possible changes in the US’ policy on cross-strait relations after a Chinese press release said that US President Barack Obama “rejects” any call for Taiwan’s independence.
The press release, issued on Wednesday in Washington by the Chinese delegation led by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping (習近平), China’s likely next leader, appeared to show that the US had changed its wording regarding its stance on Taiwan’s independence from “not support,” to “reject.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was unable to verify whether Obama had changed his wording in response to calls from Xi that the US should “take concrete actions to oppose Taiwanese independence,” but it was confident that Washington had kept its policy stance consistent regarding cross-strait affairs.
Xi, held talks with Obama, US Vice President Joe Biden and US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday.
During the three meetings, the Taiwan issue was brought up by the Chinese side, said Bruce Ling-hu (令狐榮達), director-general of the Department of North American Affairs.
Linghu said that while Washington has not yet briefed Taipei on the content of discussions regarding the Taiwan issue, it was expected that the US had responded to China’s concerns in accordance with the overarching principles that apply to its cross-strait policies.
“We don’t think the US offered any responses that we did not expect,” he said, adding that Taipei received a thorough briefing from Washington prior to Xi’s visit, during which it provided reassurances that it would maintain a consistent Taiwan policy.
According to Xinhua news agency reports, during the Xi-Obama meeting, the US president reiterated his adherence to the “one China” policy based on the three joint communiques.
According to a Xinhua report on Wednesday, Obama told Xi that the US “rejects any calls for Taiwan independence” and added that his country “wants to see the peaceful development of cross-strait relations move forward.”
Xi said the Taiwan issue concerns China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and remains, as always, the most important and most sensitive issue in China-US relations, it reported.
The agency also quoted Xi as saying that Beijing appreciates Washington’s repeated declarations of its commitment to the “one China” policy.
However, the way top US officials responded to Xi on the Taiwan issue was not exactly the same as what was reported by Xinhua, Linghu said.
“We have checked with the US. In response to Xi during the three meetings, the US reiterated its commitments to Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act,” Linghu said.

參考資料 2:
The White House  Office of the Press Secretary  For Immediate Release  February 14, 2012
 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 2/14/12
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

Q :  Can I clarify one thing on the visit?  I don't think we mentioned Taiwan.  Was Taiwan and --

Again, I don't have a detailed readout.  I think all of the issues that are traditionally part of the discussion with China are likely to have been raised, but I don't want to --

參考資料 3:
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary   For Immediate Release
February 15, 2012
Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney en route Milwaukee, WI, 2/15/12
Aboard Air Force One    En Route   
The President raised the importance of human rights and America’s commitment to universal values directly to Vice President Xi during their meeting yesterday in the Oval Office.  Specific human rights cases were raised in the course of the discussions at the White House, as was the situation in Tibet
參考資料 4:
2000年8月4日工商時報    林則宏/台北報導 


蔡英文表 示,「一個中國」是我們必須面對的問題,台灣沒有空間與可能性去逃避一個中國的問題。陳水扁所提的「九二精神」最重要的特質就是「交流對話、擱置爭議」, 若中國大陸覺得九二年所發生的事情,對雙方關係是重大而有意義的,我們願意朝這個方向來解釋或考慮。她說,「被擱置的爭議總有被解決的一天,如果交流對話 是成功的話,外在的客觀環境會改變,一個中國問題的解決就相對變得簡單。」



