2011年12月30日 星期五

轉:赴美免簽的問題 -林志昇

the U.S. Visa Waiver Program

美國在台協會2011年12月22日發佈新聞稿「台灣被提名入美國免簽證計劃(Taiwan Nominated to the U.S. Visa Waiver Program)」,其中新聞稿提及:

1. The American Institute in Taiwan is very pleased to announce that Taiwan has been nominated for inclusion in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. 美國在台協會很榮幸宣佈:「台灣已獲提名加入美國免簽證計劃。(不是免簽國)」
文中所稱之「台灣」,毫無疑問是美國政府依台灣關係法Sec. 15-(2)定義所認知,其為在1979年1月1日前被美國承認為中華民國之「台灣治理當局(the governing authorities on Taiwan)」。
2. This is an announcement the people of Taiwan have been awaiting for a long time .......... 這是「本土台灣人民(the people of Taiwan)」長久以來所期待的公布, ....
然而問題是,在「台灣關係法」全文中,只提及"the people on Taiwan(在台灣的人)",並無"the people of Taiwan(本土台灣人民)之說法。所謂"the people on Taiwan)"是指所有居住、生活在台灣的人,而"the people of Taiwan"則是指日治時期,臺灣總督府所定義之「本島人及高砂族」其本人及後代子孫之本土台灣人。因此,就字意而言,「the people of Taiwan」是構成「the people on Taiwan」之一部份,並不等同。有「台灣關係法」條文措詞為依據,美國在台協會所發佈之新聞稿,應無用錯「介系詞」之理由。

基於「流亡政府不得就地合法」之國際法則,印度國籍之「印度人民(the people of India)」並不包括無國籍之「流亡西藏人(Tibetans in-exile)」。同理可證,法理上是無國籍之「本土台灣人民(the people of Taiwan)」,並不包括法理上是中國籍之「流亡中國人(Chinese in-exile)」。

於1979年3月13日經美國眾議院,3月14日經美國參議院通過,而於4月10日經美國總統卡特簽署後生效之「政治的台灣(political Taiwan)」關係法,模糊「法理台灣(legal Taiwan)地位」至今32年。由當年美國國會制定台灣關係法過程之歷史真相「TRA Legislative Fact Finding」得知,美國參眾議員標榜保護台灣人權所費心制定之台灣關係法,遮掩了本土台灣人真實法理身份,就人權而言,是幫了倒忙:

A. 會議報告(Conference Report)
The conference substitute further states that nothing in this act shall contravene the United States interest in the human rights of Taiwan's approximately 18 million inhabitants. The preservation and enhancement of the human rights of the Taiwan people are reaffirmed as United States objectives. [Conf. Rpt. at 13]. 會議替代修正案進一步聲明,本法案不得違背美國對台灣約1800萬住民人權之關心。保護及促進台灣人民之人權是被再肯定為美國的方針。
以上會議報告合理推論:美國當局默認流亡日本台灣之中國人為「台灣人民(the Taiwan people)」一部份,是違反「流亡政府不得就地合法」之國際法原則。

B. 參議院報告(Senate Report)
The Committee has made that this section was not to be construed as authority for Institute officials to intervene in Taiwan's domestic affairs by favoring one or another group of people on Taiwan, nor was it to be construed as giving the Institute official status. The Committee also specified that Institute officials were not authorized to become involved in matters affecting the international status of Taiwan. [Sen. Rpt. at 26.] 委員會已作成,讓此段不得被解釋為協會官員藉支持一派,或另一派在台灣的人以介入台灣內政之根據,也不得被解釋為賦予協會官方地位。委員會也明確說明,協 會官員沒有被授權涉入影響台灣國際地位之事宜。


a. 不具美國官方地位.

b. 對「在台灣的人,處於被佔領方之本土台灣人(the people of Taiwan as the occupied group of the people on Taiwan)」,和「在台灣的人,處於佔領方之在台中國人(Chinese on Taiwan as the occupying group of the people on Taiwan)」,美國必須保持中立,不偏坦任何一方。

問題是:美國當局在美國利益考量下,無視被佔領方之「本土台灣人(the people of Taiwan)」和佔領方之「在台中國人(Chinese on Taiwan)」,政治立足點不平等之事實,規定美國在台協會持中立立場,等同允許因佔領而為強勢之在台中國人,壓迫因被佔領而為弱勢之本土台灣人,致使 淪於政治煉獄,實在是不符人間「公平正義」。

c. 不得涉入影響台灣國際地位事宜。

基於台灣地位正常化是涉及台灣國際地位,「台灣民政府」訴願之對口單位並非美國國務院,或「台灣關係法」架構內之美國在台協會,是「舊金山和平條 約」架構內之美國總統,或美國國防部。美國當局總是刻意迴避「舊金山和平條約」架構內之「法理台灣」,強調「台灣關係法」架構內之「政治台灣」其有違美國 憲法第六條:「所有由美國當局所簽訂之條約為國土之最高法律。」
Article 6:
All treaties made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the land.

3. Taiwan's candidacy is a significant step forward toward encouraging and facilitating more travel to the United States by Taiwan travelers, which also strongly serves U.S. interests. 台灣之候選資格,是朝向鼓勵並方便更多台灣旅客到美國旅遊跨出重要之一步, 這也極為符合美國利益。

4. The program was established to eliminate unnecessary barriers to travel, stimulate tourism in the United States, and permit the Department of State to focus consular resources in other areas. 該計劃之成立,是為了消除不必要之旅遊障礙,以刺激美國觀光事業,使國務院能將領事資源轉移到其他領域。

以上美國在台協會所發佈新聞稿之重點可得知:美國國務院完全是基於振興美國經濟考量將台灣列入「美國免簽證計劃」。美國國務院即使決定賦予持「流亡 中華民國」護照之「在台中國人(Chinese on Taiwan)」赴美免簽證,「台灣民政府」對法理上並無關連之美國國務院,其政策並無立場評論,然是可鄭重提醒美國國務院:「本土台灣人(the people of Taiwan)」必須持「流亡中華民國」護照,完全無正當性,本土台灣人絕對反對到底。身為美軍統帥之美國總統,或美國國防部基於戰爭法之「占領義務」, 應成立「台灣美國軍政府」,親自或在「代理法」架構內委任,以「台灣美國軍政府」名義核發「旅行證件(Travel Document)」予本土台灣人,使能享赴美免簽證。美國政府當知:不只鼓勵及方便台灣人民到美國觀光旅遊是美國利益,同時,讓台灣地位正常化是更大之 美國利益。

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林 峯弘)
福爾摩沙法理建國會 執行長

參考資料 1:
Taiwan Relations Act
For purposes of this Act—
(2) the term "Taiwan" includes, as the context may require, the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores, the people on those islands, corporations and other entities and associations created or organized under the laws applied on those islands, and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and any successor governing authorities (including political subdivisions, agencies, and instrumentalities thereof).

參考資料 2:
Taiwan Nominated to the U.S. Visa Waiver Program
PR-1170E | Date: 12/22/2011
The American Institute in Taiwan is very pleased to announce that Taiwan has been nominated for inclusion in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program.
This is an announcement the people of Taiwan have been awaiting for a long time and it is principally a credit to the great economic, social, and political progress they have made over the years that Taiwan has now reached this day. The visa refusal rate for Taiwan applicants has dropped to only 1.9 percent over the last twelve months.
The VWP nomination is the culmination of hard work and cooperation between the authorities in Taiwan and the United States. In the last year in particular, Taiwan had adopted important measures to strengthen its security and immigration systems in accordance with U.S. statutory requirements for membership of the Visa Waiver Program.
Taiwan's candidacy is a significant step forward toward encouraging and facilitating more travel to the United States by Taiwan travelers, which also strongly serves U.S. interests.
There is still more work to be done, however. For all VWP candidates, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Government is required to conduct an extensive and detailed evaluation of Taiwan's homeland security and immigration systems and other programs. There is no set timeline for completion of this review. Once the review is successfully concluded, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security notifies the U.S. Congress of the decision to admit Taiwan into the Visa Waiver Program. Until then, all Taiwan travelers to the United States will still need to obtain visas.
The U.S. Visa Waiver Program currently enables nationals of 36 participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business ("B" visa purposes only) for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. The program was established to eliminate unnecessary barriers to travel, stimulate tourism in the United States, and permit the Department of State to focus consular resources in other areas.

參考資料 3:

PR-1170C | 2011年12月22日
美國在台協會很榮幸宣布,台灣已獲提名加入美國免簽證計劃 (Visa Waiver Program)。
然 而,眼前尚有更多工作待完成。針對所有免簽證計劃的候選,美國國土安全部都必須對其國土安全暨入出境系統和其他計劃進行廣泛而仔細的評估。何時完成評估並 沒有確切時程。一旦評估工作順利完成,國土安全部部長將通知美國國會把台灣納入免簽證計劃的決定。但在此之前,所有台灣旅客到美國仍須事先取得簽證。

